How has your time and experience in Science Fairs impacted your life?
Not to be cliché, but it is life changing, both personally and professionally. Personally it opens your view to what you are capable of, even at a young age, and connects you with others who pursue their passions. Professionally, it opens many doors to various scholarships, connections, and gives you a chance to explore what you want to do with your life.
Where did you find inspiration for your science projects?
My Grandmother suffered a devastating stoke, and her struggle inspired my invention that later became my Science Fair project.
Can you share a memorable experience you had at a Science Fair?
Again, too many to note, but the last night of the Intel International Science Fair does stand out. Suffice it to say that many a laughs were had, some ruckus was stirred, and there may have been a rubber chicken involved.
Does an interest in Science run in your family?
Yes, but more than that a support in investigating the unknown, and encouragement when things don't go right.
What advice would you give to students interested in Science?
Absolutely, 100%, positively, without a doubt, do Science Fair.
Did your experience at Science Fairs influence your career decision?
Yes, both to pursue engineering in my undergrad as well as medicine now. It also helped shape what kind of pursuits I can combine with my career, allowing me to weave many passions of mine together. It also becomes a unique aspect of yourself to bring up in interviews, and it shows your initiative to pursue your passions. No joke, even nine years after my last Science Fair, it came up in a job interview.
Open Question: Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
If you are not recognized with a medal during a fair, it is frustrating and can be tempting to give up. But remember why you are doing this, focus on your passion and the potential for good it can bring in the lives of others, then try again. It was three years before I won something in science fair.
Who is someone in science who inspired you? And why?
Too many to count: teachers, mentors, organizers at science fairs. But really it was my guardian who stood by me through each fair, and provided the help and motivation during the long hours of preparation.
How many years did you participate in Science Fairs? And at what level?
Five years, four Regional Science Fairs, two National Science Fairs, and two International Science Fairs.