/ - Science Fair Foundation British Columbia

Mentor Application Form

Frequently Asked Questions

While we can’t predict how many students will participate in the Mentorship Program, we estimate our mentors will spend a few hours each month answering student questions.
We will require your area of scientific expertise, as well as your email address.
We require our mentors to complete a Criminal Record Check (our coordinators will assist as much as they can with this process). You will also need reliable internet and email service.
All communication with the student will be done through email. The student question will be sent to the email address you provided when signing up to be a mentor, and you can respond directly to the student.
We ask our mentors to respond to all student questions within 1 to 3 business days.
 If you cannot answer the student question, for whatever reason, please send the question back to our coordinators, briefly explaining why you are unable to answer it. Our coordinators will ensure the question is sent to another mentor.
We are recruiting 1 representative from each regional science fair for general questions (important dates, ethics, etc.) plus 1 to 2 mentors in each subject area. 
-    Biotechnology
-    Earth and environmental sciences
-    Engineering and computational sciences
-    Health sciences
-    Life sciences
-    Physical and mathematical sciences
All questions regarding our Mentorship Program can be emailed to Michael at munger@sciencefairs.ca